Ever Active Schools is a registered national charity designed to create and support healthy school communities. We engage and support schools through a Comprehensive School Health framework, which addresses health and education goals to improve the social outcomes of children and youth in Alberta.
Jump to: Our Values | Our Approach | History | Board of Directors | Awards
Our Values
Our work begins as collaborators, is built as partners and continues in friendship. We show up for each other and our communities, act with empathy and bring our authentic selves to work every day. We celebrate successes, BIG and small – you can count on us for hugs and high fives.
We’re nimble and creative, always looking ahead with our feet firmly grounded in evidence. We balance risk with strategy. Boldly going…you know the rest.
We recognize and value diverse abilities, identities, cultures and ways of knowing. We live it. We celebrate it. We don’t know all of the answers but we’re listening, learning and growing.
We seek first to understand. Then act. We’re here to help ideas and actions flourish. We provide opportunities and platforms to build capacity to promote health and learning.
We’re passionate about well-being, and we care. We’re committed to creating environments that support health, learning, and growth because that’s the type of place we want to live and work in.
All students belong to healthy school communities that enable optimal health and learning.
To provide leadership that promotes and supports healthy, active school communities through a comprehensive school health (CSH) framework.
Our Approach
Ever Active Schools supports and engages schools through a variety of methods. All of our work follows the Comprehensive School Health framework.
We offer professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators, both on a variety of pre-determined topics and customized support specific to the unique context of each school community. Some of these opportunities take place as by-request workshops delivered to a school, some are virtual learning opportunities available to individuals, and some follow our new In Residence model, which includes a full year of support from a Health and Wellness Consultant to reach identified goals.
Ever Active Schools puts on annual events to provide networking opportunities in combination with professional development, as well as to facilitate student leadership. Our annual Shaping the Future conference sees on average more than 500 delegates from the education, research and recreation and active living sectors join us for a 3-day (or longer) experience in a breathtaking mountain setting. Still I Rise is a two-day virtual event to celebrate Indigenous stories, foster resilience for Indigenous youth and encourage reconciliation for all in attendance.
We engage and support schools through grant-funded projects that see us working in close proximity with community partners. Recent projects range from embedding teacher and staff well-being in pre-service teacher training, to improving traffic safety for increased active travel in communities. Project work is unique, comprehensive and drives real change.
Finally, we develop resources that teachers and care providers can use on-the-ground, same day, to meet specified target areas and improve student competencies.
Want to learn more or get involved? Send us a message using the contact form.

Ever Active Schools began in 2001 as a special project of the Health and Physical Education Council (HPEC) of the Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA). Its goal was to provide professional development opportunities for health and physical education teachers in Alberta.
Over the years, Ever Active Schools expanded to offer grant-funded project work, classroom resources and numerous partnership opportunities.
In September 2020, Ever Active Schools transitioned from its home within the ATA to a standalone charity, formerly named Active Healthy Kids Canada. This charity was active in Ontario and instrumental in public awareness of youth health status through the publishing of the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card (now the ParticipACTION Report Card). Active Healthy Kids Canada was acquired late in 2017 by a board of directors based in Alberta to be a platform for thought leadership, coordination, and awareness for the importance of upstream approaches to healthy school communities. Between 2017 and 2019, Ever Active Schools acted as an implementation partner, a relationship that was governed by a partnership agreement under board approval.
Given the passage of time for the new board of directors to mature with enhanced board capacity, the opportunity arose in 2019 for the successful implementation partnership to be formalized into the transition of Ever Active Schools to become the charity.
Ever Active Schools' relationship with the ATA, HPEC and government ministries is expected to continue through partnership agreements and advisory opportunities. The shift in governance enabled the alignment of purpose between Ever Active Schools operations and the Active Healthy Kids Canada charity for enhanced impact, as well as a greater range of possibilities for both strategic guidance, partnership, and funding opportunities.
Board of Directors

Rebecca Nedelec
Board Chair

Robert Young
Past Board Chair

Brian Andrais

Alim Gillani

Nancy Luyckfassel

Val Olekshy

Phoebe Dey

Dr. Kimberley Kelly

Government of Alberta
2020 Minister's Seniors Service Award
The Minister’s Seniors Service Awards recognize individuals and organizations who support seniors in Alberta, lead the way for improved services for seniors, and contribute to strong Alberta communities.

Government of Alberta
2020 Inspiration Award: Innovation
The Inspiration Awards allows the government to honour outstanding Albertans who are making a difference in their communities. Their efforts build awareness, contribute to violence prevention and advance healthy relationships for all Albertans.

Random Acts
2020 Class Acts Runner Up
The Class Act award program encourages schools to spread kindness around the world. Congratulations to Bowmanville High School on their first place win!

Calgary Board of Education
Nov. 2019 Lighthouse Award
The Calgary Board of Education (CBE) Lighthouse Awards recognize organizations that have partnered with the CBE for contributions to its students, schools and programs.

Alberta School Boards Association
2018 Friends of Education Award
The award recognizes organizations in the community who have made a special contribution to education. EAS was nominated by Northland School Division.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charity
2017 Community Partner of the Year
The Community Partner Award recognizes extraordinary contributions from Jumpstart’s Community Partners - individuals who promoted the partnership within the community, disbursed budget dollars and worked collaboratively with the Canadian Tire Family of Companies.