Active School Travel: Tools for Change

A stop sign in the foreground with three young cyclists in the background at a active school travel event.

Why should school communities promote active transportation modes for school travel? Some data to consider: According to the baseline Family Travel Survey collected by Ever Active Schools between 2019 and 2024 in Alberta, 32.8% of families (n=6190 responses) use active modes of transportation most often for trips to school, while 36.7% of families (n=6403 responses)…

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Stories From the Field

Cover image for the video series "Stories from the Field" which include 4 smiling heads divided vertically

Reflecting on Stories from the Field As Ever Active Schools, we are often in so many places in a school year, that it’s hard to sit back and reflect on some of the moments and impacts we had in communities. So we sat down to collect “Stories from the Field” from some of our amazing…

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Learning From the Best: The Educator Advisory Council

A chalkboard background with various chalk drawings with centered text that reads "We heart teachers!" to celebrate the Educator advisory council

Written By Chesa Peters, Ever Active Schools It’s teacher appreciation week and we want to show some love to our EAS BFFs – the EAC! (Enough acronyms for you?) The EAC, or Educator Advisory Council, is a group of all-star Educators who help guide our work. This council is approaching its first birthday and it’s…

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Earth Day: A Time to Reflect; A Time to Act

Earth Day blog image with a background of various outdoor images with text that reads "A Time to Reflect, A Time to Act".

Written by Tracey Coutts, Ever Active Schools Welcome Earth Day! “Earth Day is an annual celebration that…raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources for future generations.” (National Geographic, Education: Earth Day, 2024).  The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970; today, Earth Day is celebrated on either April 22 or…

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Have you Heard? The Ever Active Schools Podclass as a Resource to Support Inclusion and Diversity in School Communities

Podclass logo with text that reads "Resources to support inclusion and diversity in school communities".

Written by: Katie Mahon, Ever Active Schools Have you heard? Ever Active Schools launched a podcast in late 2020 called The Podclass. Intended as an educational resource, our hosts chat with professionals in health, education, inclusion and diversity, and well-being to explore connections between the three.   The first series, Conversations on School Health, is…

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Shaping The Future 2024 Banner Image

Different Location, Same Shaping the Future! 15 years of Shaping the Future. 15 years of memories, connection and learning all in the name of creating healthy communities and schools. This year, the annual Shaping the Future conference sponsored by Teach Nutrition and Belair Direct may have been held in a different location, but the atmosphere…

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Ever Active Schools project work in action with Loose Parts Play

Written by Kerri Murray, Director of Strategy and Innovation, Ever Active Schools Sometimes it is difficult to describe what we do. When asked by someone new, the conversation usually goes something like this: “So, what do you do?” “I work for a charity that does school-based health promotion.” “Are you a teacher?” “No.” “Are you…

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Healthy Schools Certification badge

Healthy Schools Certification: How You Can Make a Difference in Your School Are you looking for a school-based program that everyone can feel good about? What if you could find one that promotes student leadership, enhances student and staff well-being and builds on what’s already happening in your school? How about if the program coincided…

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phys ed wellness lesson plans pdf screenshot

Ahh, lesson planning: an all-important yet thankless task for teachers. You spend hours pouring over activities, making sure they connect to the curriculum and your targeted outcomes, and you hope your whole class will be invested and enjoy them. Wouldn’t it be nice if, once in a while, you could take all the time and…

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