Stories From the Field

Reflecting on Stories from the Field

As Ever Active Schools, we are often in so many places in a school year, that it’s hard to sit back and reflect on some of the moments and impacts we had in communities. So we sat down to collect “Stories from the Field” from some of our amazing team looking back on the moments that had the largest impact on them. Transcriptions have also been provided for ease of access.

Brian: A Run to Remember

A great story from Ever Active Schools last year was Ever Active Schools working alongside Enoch Cree Nation, hosting the 2022 Provincial ASAA Cross-Country Championships. So flashing forward to the day, the event, it was absolutely magical. As a cross-country runner, things change if it’s bad weather, compared to if it’s good weather, but we were welcomed with beautiful blue skies and the sun was coming out, throughout the day.

So the morning of the event, we were welcomed into a beautiful pipe ceremony, where we welcomed, the ASAA Executive Director, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers. Our guests of the day were welcomed with a pipe ceremony as the all cultural grounds started to fill up. So we had a lot of school buses come down people were in charge of parking, but it started to build up energy and life into that space, and we had, the teams, the school teams, setting up tents.

Then Enoch hosted a beautiful opening ceremony. So we had a grand entry, we had dancers, we had music and I can think of looking out and seeing the 700 participants, but over 2000 people with friends, family, parents, and coaches and it was magical to finally see it all come together.

One of the most magical things that I remember and most impactful, I think hopefully for the students and participants that came, was the drumming that brought kids to the finish line. So the last 150-100m they could feel the drumming and as a runner at that point of your race, you are empty. You need things to fill up your bucket and your cup and to have the cultural drumming was just, powerful and you could see on the participant’s faces, how much it meant to them. And it was beautiful to have the drumming group share that, share the song, and share those gifts, with the many participants, that were that were there on that day.

I think one of the most impactful points was to share our, culture, the ceremony, and sport, but under a foundation of the calls to action around the Truth Reconciliation Commission. And to be that the focus point, of this sporting event, I think was very educational for all the participants and something that the organizing committee in incarnation really wanted to focus on. So to have chief and council to have elders, share that knowledge throughout the day. I think that kind of elevated everyone’s education and the importance of what we were doing in terms of hosting the event on Enoch Cree Nation land.


Nathan: Thank You For Helping


I was lucky to have the opportunity this year to work in a school that was a pretty unique context. It was a K-12 school, and the entire school had about 15 students, K-12. So it was all the students from all grades in one classroom, and we were able throughout the year to work on a priority that we had identified through the Comprehensive School Health process, and that priority was social interactions within the school. So, students getting along with each other, and being kind to each other, things like that; that was the identified school priority

Throughout the year we had these visits and they were good and, I really, really enjoyed them and there was lots of, connection that was built. Honestly, it was something that as I went, I could see these connections building, but what really made it neat is at the end of the year, during my last visit, they they wrote a note for me. You know, it’s not uncommon to get a note when you’re done, presenting or working with somebody, but this note really struck a chord for a particular reason. In their handwriting, they said, “Thank you so much for helping us to get along and treat each other with kindness.” and at that moment, I knew that that was something sustainable. That was a difference that had been made in that school. And then what really, really hit me, and kind of melted my heart a little bit was when they said, “You will always be welcome here”. That meant a lot to me, it was a really powerful moment and it was really cool to work on a smaller scale and see the impact that we’re making.

Chantell: Sewing The Future

One of the events or programs of the iskwêwak circle was ribbon skirt-making classes. So we had a number of classes and what was really interesting to me during those classes was we would meet on Fridays from 12 till 3 p.m., and I honestly was really blown away in that the kids were completely engaged in the ribbon-skirt-making process like they did not deviate from the task.

There were 20, 25 of us in the room and the kids were totally dedicated to this, this task. By the end of the day, we’re telling them, “Hey, you gotta stop, you gotta stop, you gotta, it’s time to clean up.” but no, every single kid was totally involved in that process. and then another moment that stood out to me was, how one of the other kids would make a mistake or have troubles, doing a certain part of their skirt or their machine wasn’t working that had to be threaded, kids would immediately come over to help, and they were really supportive. They would stop what they’re doing now, hold down the material to cut it or rethread the machine. Everybody was focused on making their own individual skirts, but they would come together as a community helping each other, and I think, yeah, it’s special to be a part of that.

I think these events, like the iskwêwak circle and the ribbon skirt making, really show community and what community can come together to do. And I think that really exemplifies the relationship that Enoch Cree Nation and Ever Active Schools have together, working together for the same goals and, the same partnerships and, really, lifting these kids up and helping these kids and, and I think that ribbon skirt making project and how the kids really work together really exemplifies that.


Krista: Learning to Lead

My name is Krista Trim, and I’m a Health and Wellness Consultant at Ever Active Schools, and an impactful story or moment that happened last year was being able to work with my first school, as an in-residence type program, being awarded the opportunity to work alongside a teacher champion, the principal, and a group of students. Our goal was to support their recess program.

They have what’s called a LEAD program, so instead of creating our own, we worked alongside not only the school district but with the students. And we worked to, increase their capacity to be leaders, not only at recess but in their school. So we work to develop their skills in emotional intelligence and being able to, not only understand their own feelings and emotions but others and how they can support people in that way.

We’ve seen great success, and I was awarded the opportunity to work with them again this year, upon our first meeting, they noticed such great change. They’ve had, the school district come in and host a day and they said these students were marvellous, they’re leaders, not only within their own school but, with the other schools there too.

Ever Active Schools involvement happens because of the passionate and involved staff who welcome us, and not only just the staff, but the school boards, and the external partners who welcome us, and see the difference that the work that we do makes, and we’re just so grateful to be awarded those opportunities.



To learn more about the work that Ever Active Schools does, we encourage you to check out our Projects page on and to see more stories head to @EverActiveAB on all social media platforms.


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