Our Services

Ever Active Schools connects and engages with teachers, schools, communities, parents, care providers and partners in a variety of ways. See below for the services available!

Hands-on support


One-time professional development sessions on a variety of pre-determined topics, or customizable to suit your school's unique needs.

EAS In Residence

Providing your school with direct access to a Health and Wellness Consultant to help you achieve your unique goals.

Self-Guided Support


Power up your practice with discussions around health & wellness in Alberta schools.


Bite-size videos to give you activity ideas, new insights, and innovative project summaries.


The Healthy School Community Blog is a place for stories and ideas to live and breathe.


Hands-on tools to help you embed wellness in the classroom and school community.


Published annually, featuring stories from and for Alberta schools and communities.

Still have questions?

Or, want to explore other possibilities? We're keen to hear what you have to say. Send us a message with your thoughts.